October 31, 2010


Happy Halloween Everyone!  Be safe!

October 21, 2010

It's Your Birthday

Today was my friend, Teresa's, birthday!  Happy Birthday Girlfriend!  That's quite a haul ya got there. 

Look Who's Here!

Yay!  The Blue Angels are here.  The Jacksonville Air Show 2010 is Saturday and you can bet we'll be there!  Love these shows.  DVS took this photo sitting on the roof of our house as they were practicing.  Very cool.

October 19, 2010

Sigh . . .

Bad, bad, bad, stinky loss last night. . . and on Monday Night Football no less.  Oh well, on to Kansas City.  Is the season over yet?

October 18, 2010

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Yessirree, we're playing on Monday Night Football tonight against the Tennessee Titans.  Soooo exciting! 

Anyway, I got a little sewing done this weekend.  I'm finishing up a couple of little table toppers for Christmas presents this year.  Have not decided where they are going yet.  One is ready to quilt and the other needs a backing. 

I've been tryng to come up with an idea on how to incorporate DVS' photos in my quilts.  I'm thinking I'll start easy with one of his flowers and applique it.  I was watching The Quilt Show this weekend and saw Melinda Bula's Fabulous Fusible Flowers episode.  This sounds like it would be doable.  Any other suggestions out there? 

Ok, back to work and fingers crossed for tonight!

See ya!

October 8, 2010

Things I Need To Do on My Weekend Off

Remember this quilt?

It's all quilted and ready for the binding.  Definitely getting this done!

Also, need to work on the Pat Sloan's Lucky Charm Sew Along.  It will make a nice Christmas gift.  If you haven't tried this sew along, you need to!  It's so much fun and so far, I really like the way it looks.  Of course, this is Pat's picture, not mine.  LOL!

I'm also going to the monthly Bernina Club at Paula's on Saturday. 

The team is in Buffalo this weekend.  We just had a big win against the Colts and the Bills are 0-4.  Believe me when I tell you, this will be a tough game for us.  Fingers Crossed!

Have a great weekend everyone and I'll try and do an update photo of the patchwork quilt this weekend.

October 2, 2010

Today I Sew

What a busy couple of weeks it's been.  I'm so ready for some downtime.  My friends were here from Blairsville, GA last week.  We walked, we shopped, we ate, we drank, we went to a very bad football game.  Awesome time, but I'm pooped!

Last night we attended a very nice art event at the Mandarin Museum here in Jacksonville.  It was called "River Visions 2.  1 River, 5 Artists' Visions.  The exhibit invited 5 local artists to explore the St. Johns River, then bring their visions back to share what the river has shown them".  DVS was asked to share some of the photographs he had taken in and around the museum (which is located on the St. Johns River).  It was a wonderful event and they had a huge turn out of people.

Today is down time.  I have a few errands to run, but mostly I'm just going to spend time in my sewing niche catching up on some things.  The weather here has turned. . .finally.  It's 60 degrees this morning and I'm going to enjoy every minute.  Maybe even open my windows today.  Tomorrow is our game against the Colts.  Fingers crossed!