Anyway, here's a picture of my topper. It was fairly easy but the hardest part was putting it together. It's like a puzzle.
I still have to sew up the little opening. I'm trying to decide if I want to put some sort of batting in it in case someone wants to actually USE it on their table. My DH thinks I should. However, this pattern is the flip inside out kind. I'd have to cut a piece of batting 30 x 30 and somehow work it in and then tack it all down so it won't move. Hmmmmm.
I also finished some pillow cases for my Legal Secretaries' Christmas Dinner on the 1st. We're having a little exchange and I thought pillow cases are easy enough. I made them with the same fabric but one case got a polka dot border and one got the flower border. No rules, right?
Speaking of Christmas, I bought the book Fast & Furious by Gudrun Erla a few months back. Gudrun has a blog and she designs very easy quilts and table toppers using the quilt as you go method.
I decided I would try her Christmas ornaments out of the book. VERY easy! These are just test ornaments. I just used scraps so I could see how easy it is to put them together. I'm not done but here's what I threw together.
I'm off to shop at my local quilt shop today. It's Small Business Saturday so be sure and visit your own small businesses. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
See ya soon,