February 20, 2013

Hopscotch Quilt - Done!

UPDATE:  Just looked back at my previous post on this quilt and realized I had named it Octothorpe because that is the name of the # symbol. 

Well, this only took me 2 years!

I finished the binding on Monday.  Not sure where this is going yet. 
The original quilt didn't have borders, but I like the size with them.

February 10, 2013

Fabric - LOTS of Fabric

My friend Leah:  I know you quilt and I'm cleaning out my fabric.  Can you use it?
Me:  Absolutely!  
Leah:  Great, I'll bring it to work for you.

Holy Cow!!  I needed a hand cart to even get it to my car and then had to buy new storage bins.  Can you believe this??  Awesome!  She even had it organized by color.  

Thanks Leah!

February 8, 2013

Football - A New Look

As you may or may not know, I work for an NFL team and we've been going through some major transitions the last couple of years.  This year so far, we've hired a new General Manager, a new Coach and coaching staff and last week they unveiled our new team logo. 

Very cool.  A new era begins.  Stay tuned.