March 26, 2013

Bronchitis - Blech!

Just a few days after my last post, I came down with a bad case of bronchitis.  I'm on Day 11 and finally starting to feel better - but boy, did it kick my butt!

I did manage to get the binding on this quilt:
This was the quilt I started at the Holly Jolly retreat in November.  I really like how it came out and even went a little out of my comfort zone and did a two tone border and scrappy binding.  I'll try and have a couple more pictures when I can get outside.

Hasn't this Spring been something?  Here in Florida we got down to 38 last night!  My friend is here with her family from Illniois on Spring Break.  I feel really bad that the weather is so chilly.  Although, I guess it beats the snowstorm in the midwest!

That's about all I have for now. More later!


March 10, 2013

A Day With Eleanor

I was fortunate to be able to take a class with Eleanor Burns on Friday.  

We made this awesome little table runner - Oriental Fan.

She's a great teacher and we had such a fun day.  Most of us were able to finish our table runner tops in a day!
Eleanor was very accommodating to everyone.  She walked around the room saying hello, signing autographs and at the end of class she took pictures with everyone.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Talk to you soon.
