June 30, 2013

Beautiful Idyllwild

We just returned from Idyllwild, CA and helping our friends build a new deck on their mountain house.

The beginning:

The almost finished product.

The very tired but proud, builders:

We were just there to help with the framing.  The rest will be done after we leave.  Can't wait to see the finished product.  It should also be noted that this house sits at an elevation of 6,000 ft.  The air was pretty thin.

In between the construction, our friend, Rick and I took a little hike to the back of their property.  This is what they call a Technical Hill:

It's hard to tell from the pictures, but this is basically straight up.

It was worth it, though:

And one more picture.  The house with the deck:

Thank you Rick and Peggy for the hospitality and friendship!  Let's do it again next year - oh, except without the deck building.  :-)

June 19, 2013

Embroidery - Let's Try This Again

Ahhh, that's better!  Right side up.

I made this for my friend, Teresa.  She's part of the local Red Hatter group. 

Had one of my good-bye lunches today with some of the girls that are going on vacation and won't be here when I leave.  Lots of fun but a  little sad as well.  But change is good!

More later,


June 15, 2013


I was so happy at the way this was turning out - until I realized - yes, I have the koozie upside down.  Ugh!!  It was my first time using the koozies and I think they stitch out beautifully.  Well, if the design is right side up that is!  You can find them here.  I think I paid $1.09.  This one is for a water bottle.

It has been a crazy month.  After 11 years with the Jaguars I'm leaving to take a job with the Baptist Health Foundation here in town.  I'm very excited about this opportunity but very sad about leaving my team.  However, when opportunity knocks, you have to answer.

More later.  I actually got another quilt done can you believe it?